利哈伊山谷的教授讲授移民政策, food policy in Croatia


詹妮弗·帕克, 社会学副教授 at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台, was in Croatia for a three-week lectureship in which she talked about immigration policy and food policy in both the U.S. 和克罗地亚. She was featured in 主要的克罗地亚人 报纸 while there.



宾州中央谷. — The relationship between immigration policy and food policy was the focus of a series of talks given by a 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 faculty member during a recent lectureship at the University of Zagreb in Croatia, in the Department of Political Science and the Department of Strategic Communication.

詹妮弗·帕克, 社会学副教授, has studied both immigration and food policy for most of her career. Croatia is experiencing the largest influx of immigrants from outside the European Union (EU) in its recent history while recruiting immigrants from outside its borders to work in various food industry jobs, so 帕克说 her research was of special interest to her audience. 除了去克罗地亚旅游的机会, 帕克说 she was particularly keen to dispel many of the myths that have been appearing in print and social media about these issues in the United States. Both countries are experiencing labor shortages in the food industry.

“移民直接关系到我们的食物供应. We are now at a critical point in history where we are increasingly being fed disinformation about immigrants, 例如,它们是经济的消耗, 他们犯罪更多, 他们抢走了美国人的工作. 这些都不是真的. 重要的是我们要掌握事实。. “欧洲和美国都是如此.S. are dependent on immigration — Croatia as newly introduced to the EU. Croatia is looking outside the EU to recruit immigrants to work in various food sector jobs — delivery drivers for food apps, 卡车司机, 餐厅工作人员. 在美国, immigrants are overly represented in food-related jobs across the entire supply chain. 我们靠他们维持生计.”

帕克说 she aimed to dispelled the myth of immigrants “taking” jobs away from other populations in the U.S.

“We hear a lot about immigrants ‘stealing’ Americans’ jobs, but these immigrants are willing to do the jobs most Americans don’t want to do. 他们不想在屠宰场工作. 那工作太糟糕了. They don’t want to work in agriculture picking crops,”她说。. “你.S. as well as Europe has a labor shortage that we just don’t hear about very much. A large percentage of our native-born working age population has declined significantly in recent years; it’s only because of immigrants that we’ve been able to keep the economy going and food on our tables. We’re bringing in immigrants across the occupational hierarchy, but the place they’re filling in the biggest gaps are in the low-wage positions where native-born Americans just don’t want to work. 此外,移民通过开办企业创造就业机会. 三分之一,你.S. 餐馆是移民开的.”

It’s time to come together to recognize the facts, 帕克说.

“Once we do that, we’re able to develop the kind of nuanced policies we need around immigration. 如果我们不在一起, 我们无法制定有效的政策, 我们最终只能处理虚假十大网赌靠谱网址平台,”她说。.

帕克的工作在全国范围内得到了认可. 她接受了《ve ernji list》的采访, 主要的克罗地亚人 报纸.  

“I was told my work and lectures in Zagreb were interesting to them because Croatia is at the beginning stages of work-based immigration flows from outside the EU,帕克说.

十大网赌靠谱网址平台 has a relationship with the University of Zagreb, and a faculty member from each institution visits the other every year. Parker called the experience to visit and lecture in Croatia “extraordinary."

"Anytime [十大网赌靠谱网址平台] can make a connection with another university somewhere in the world, 这是美妙的,帕克说. "Personally and professionally, it was very beneficial to go there and do this. I’m grateful to [十大网赌靠谱网址平台] as well as the University of Zagreb for their willingness to have faculty take part in this. 教师, staff and administrators on both sides go above and beyond to facilitate these exchanges.”

克罗地亚学生, 其中包括附近爱德华·伯内斯学校的学生, 你对讲课很投入吗, 帕克说.

“It was really great to get into some intense conversations around what’s happening in Croatia and hear students’ perspectives on what’s happening in the food industry and with immigration,帕克说. “This is a relatively new phenomenon and the more we can have a dialogue across borders, the better equipped we are to think about local issues through a global lens.”
